
Josef Hedblom.

  • JavaScript (ES6)
  • TypeScript
  • Java
  • Python
  • React
  • React Native
  • Node
  • Express
  • Git & Github
  • Bash & Zsh
  • MongoDB

As a UX engineer at Swedish Public Employment Service Byggstenen Designsystem, I worked to help unify and strengthen the design system's mission internally and externally to improve the design management process and ensure that the Designsystem responds to the organization's needs and goals. I also worked with developers, designers and product owners to develop an accessibility service to create accessibility reporting to ensure the organization's accessibility needs and goals were met.

JavaScript Stencil.js Web Components Node.js

Setlist to Playlist converts a setlist from a live music performance into a playlist on the streaming music platform Spotify. The service uses the API to retrieve the setlist and the Spotify Web API to create a playlist and add the songs to it.

Node.js TypeScript React.js Spotify API API

Javascript Utilities is a collection of utility class methods written in JavaScript. The class methods cover a range of use cases, such as formatting strings, working with arrays, manipulating objects, and more. The code is well-documented and follows best practices, making it easy to understand and use. The project is open source and contributions are welcome from the community.

Node.js JavaScript Vitest NPM